Jackie Pierce

Jackie Pierce taught Maths, Science and Biology in St Michael’s Holy Faith Secondary School, Finglas for more than 30 years. She brings to these workbooks a wealth of experience. During her time at St Michael’s she was co-ordinator of the LCA programme, was highly involved in the school’s Resource Department and was a member of NALCAC.
Her initial involvement in the school’s LCA programme was teaching Science as an elective. Later she became a PDST facilitator for LCA Science. She was highly driven to answer the teacher’s need for good LCA teaching resources. She jointly compiled 4 workbooks for the Science modules which can be sourced on the PDST website. During her years teaching LCA Maths, she designed worksheets for use in her own classroom and from these the first set of LCA Maths workbooks evolved.
She has enjoyed working again with her co-author Adrienne to create the new set of workbooks catering for the revised LCA Maths syllabus. Her main objective is to facilitate & inspire the teacher in the delivery of the course and the student in developing confidence in real life application of maths.
Adrienne Webb

Adrienne Webb taught Mathematics, Geography and ICT at St. Michael’s Holy Faith Secondary School, Finglas for more than 30 years. She has a Masters Degree in Education (Digital Learning). Her experience is wide ranging and includes time spent as National Coordinator of the Schools Integration Project (SIP) with NCTE – now PDST, Technology in Education and as a lecturer in Quantitative Reasoning on the Adult Learning BA programme in All Hallows College (DCU). She has been in her current role as chairperson of the Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) for over ten years
Adrienne has worked with iScoil creating content for a QQI Level 4 Mathematics course and creating a support resource for a QQI Level 3 Mathematics course. She has taught the Mathematical Applications module since the start of the LCA programme. The current revision of the course has provided an opportunity to change direction on how students engage with the material. In successful partnership with her co-author Jackie, she continues with her passion of making Maths accessible to all, regardless of ability and providing the context for a positive classroom experience for teacher and student alike.