Applied Technology for Junior Cycle

ISBN 978-19998293-2-2. It is available NOW. It is a reorganisation of the existing book “Technology for Junior Cert” based on the new “Strands” in the curriculum. If you have the existing book you can still use it. This book is identical in content to the old book. The chapters have just been reordered.

Strand 1: Principles and Practice

Chapters on Drawing and visual communication, Materials, Safety, Tools and Electronic components.

Strand 2: Energy and Control

Chapters on Energy, Electricity, Electronics, Digital Control Systems and Automation and Robotics.

Strand 3: Technology and Society

Chapters on Technology and Society, Inventions and discoveries and Information and communication technology.

Resources for Projects:

Chapters on Assembling projects, Your technology projects and Design and Manufacture.

This publication:

•    Contains up-to-date content based on examination questions.
•    Is age appropriate and visually attrractive, offering the right balance of colour, images  and text.
•    Focuses on design tasks and the application of technologies in projects.
•    Presents the content in manageable “chunks” via worked examples, “Test yourself”, activities and past exam questions for each topic.
•    Includes pleny of practice with sketching and project development, i.e. choosing and combining different materials, tools, processes, mechanisms and circuits to solve real life problems.
•    Provides plenty of practice with carrying out calculations.

Click below to view:

•    A sample chapter, Mechanisms 1.
•    Sample pages from Design and manufacture.

A noteworthy feature of “Applied Technology for Junior Cycle” is the “Design and Manufacture” chapter. This provides an opportunity for students to bring together the knowledge and skills that they have gained from previous chapters, in order to answer the “Design and Manufacture” examination questions. This chapter also provides students with valuable practice in and experience of designing, sketching and building their own technology projects.

If you have any questions about the book or distribution please click here to contact us.

The author

Paul Enright is an electrical and electronic engineer, IT and business consultant and technical writer.

He has worked in both multinational and Irish startup companies and is now an independent consultant.

Paul played a key role as project consultant on “Technology for Leaving Certificate” publication.

Project Folder/Design Folio template

Paul Enright has kindly produced a template for the Project Folder/Design Folio. 

The template supplements Chapter 22 of the textbook, “Your Technology Projects”. The headings and notes in the template are just suggestions and prompts. Students can edit it as appropriate.

It is in Microsoft Word, copyright free and you may download it by following the link below:

Template for the Project Folder